90% of people scroll straight to the price on your sales page.

Want to turn that into more sales?

Create your OMG! Offer

  • Fine-tune your offer's messaging so that your ideal clients understand their ROI
  • Create more intrigue, curiosity and desire for what you sell
  • Move people from "Maybe next time..." to "I need this now!"
Katie Peacock | Conversion Copywriter & Funnel Strategist Logo White

Katie is SO much more than just a copywriter!
She'll help you listen to your people, craft an offer your clients will love, map out a strategy for your launch AND find ways to make more money. Her work goes deep and her meticulous attention to detail is unlike anything I've ever seen. 

— Becky Keen, Business Mentor

First things first:
"What's an 'OMG! Offer'?"

Your OMG! Offer is the VERSION of your offer you're currently hyping in response to what your people want. Think: That part of your sales page that comes after "Introducing..." with a high-level view of what they get & why they should care.

It's your signature offer, reimagined, with mouthwatering messaging that makes it 100% crystal clear why they want to get in there NOW.

What will we work on together to create your OMG! Offer?

Here's a little peek:


An Instant Immersion Exercise

...that will help you connect with your best clients' core desires so that you can intuitively write copy that's aligned with what they want.


Multiple Value Props

When you film those talking head videos, you've got to clearly communicate the WHAT, WHY & HOW. That's why I'm sharing multiple templates to help you clearly & concisely share what you do.


Benefit-laden Bullet Points

More important than "What"? "What's in it for me?" That's what your people want to know—and these benefit-laden bullet points are how you make them an offer they don't want to refuse.


Strategic Bonus System

We'll look at what needs to be included vs. what you can use as ideal client catnip!

Hi, I'm Katie

I help online business owners sell MORE of their signature programs so that they can enjoy more space and sustainable income in their everyday lives ('cause you didn't build your online business to spend all your time online!).

As a messaging strategist & email marketing expert, I know there's one non-negotiable when it comes to easy launches and consistent sales: clear and compelling offer messaging that moves your people to act.

This fluff-free 90-minute workshop will walk you through a simple process for creating mouthwatering, wallet-opening messaging for your signature offer.

By the time we're done, you'll have an optimized, "OMG-I've gotta get in there!" offer that will help you move people off the fence and into your program, so that you can reach your stretch goals.


You're 1 click away from the most irresistible version of your offer the internet has ever seen!

You'll leave this workshop with mouthwatering messaging for your signature offer so that you know exactly what to say every time you show up to sell