Katie Peacock | Powerful Copy for Powerful Women

Tired of wondering where to start, what. to say, or why your copy won't convert?

When you ask your people the right questions and listen thoughtfully to their answers…

Then use their very words in your marketing…

You can unlock new levels of:

  • Clarity
  • Trust
  • Irresistibility

You become the only logical choice for what they need.

Ready to get started?

Find your Money Making Messages

A masterclass in Voice of Customer research for online business owners who want more confidence in their messaging
(and more money in the bank)


Because your most compelling copy won't come from "the creative muse", a 6-figure swipe file or even 24 hours spent staring at the same blank page....

In this all new 75-min. masterclass, you'll learn:

  • How to ask the right people the right questions to uncover what’s really driving your audience to seek change & choose you
  • The MOST efficient ways to pull meaningful insights from data that's easy for you to get (from people who are actually paying money to solve their problems)
  • What to do with the answers you get that will make the time you spend on Voice of Customer research pay off big time for your biz

If you're tired of wondering whether your messaging is going miss the mark or do it's job (aka sell you for you while you sleep)...

This masterclass will teach you the techniques professional copywriters use to get inside your customers' heads before they write a single word.

Prepare to take your copy from uncertain to irresistible once you put these practices into action.

(Oh, and psst—I'm sharing the resources, templates & tools that'll make it easy to get started right away.)

Katie sits in front of her computer, pondering your launch
I want in!

Imagine if you could sit down to write your copy and...

  • You know exactly which messages will stop overwhelmed readers in their tracks (thumbs frozen mid-scroll as they pause to read your headline)
  • You're no longer plagued by doubt or insecurity because you have the holy grail of VALIDATION
  • You finally have clarity around which part of your offer is attracting people who want to buy—so you can double down on messaging that talks about what that looks like
  • It finally feels like you're speaking the same language as your audience—they're picking up what you're putting out there so you can stop being so worried about "getting it right"
  • When you put it out there, people actually tell you, "It feels like you're reading my mind!" (You thought that was just something marketers' promised, but it actually happened, so hey!)

As a result of all that clarity, you're finally moving forward on projects you've been putting off for ages.

Turns out – more than more coaching or yet-another-shiny-object online course – what you really needed was the CLARITY and the CONFIDENCE that come with tuning into exactly what your ideal clients want.

If this reality ^^ sounds like exactly what you (and your Business bank account) have been craving for awhile, get excited...and get signed up!

Hey, I'm Katie Peacock

If you know me, you already know...

I help ambitious online entrepreneurs make more money from the work they're already doing.

Whether that's selling your signature program with copy that (finally!) converts or setting up a strategic sales funnel so that sales keep rolling in, even when you're *waaaay* offline.

The process I teach in this masterclass is an ultra-streamlined-version of the Immersive Copy Process *I* use in all of my done-for-you copy projects.

I know you're busy, and you want the biggest bang for your literal and metaphorical buck.

This 75-minute masterclass gives you a comprehensive guide to getting the most out of your Voice of Customer research, including which questions to ask, when & who to ask them.

Plus, get the templates, tools and swipe files you need to put all this into practice before the end of the day.

Sign up now for lifetime access to the masterclass & you'll also be granted any future upgrades down the line.

What do you say?

Yes, I want to find MY money making messages!